You may have forgotten to remove a car you recently sold or used as a hire car, but because it is still linked to your account, a new session has been started.
If this happens, you can quickly close the session and let us know so we can cancel any pending fees.
To close the session, log in to your account and go to Sessions:
- Tap on the "Select End Time" option.
- For the End Time - select the same time and date as the start time.
- Please ensure the price shows as £0.00 before ending the session.
- Check the confirmation box and then tap on the End Parking Session button.
- Your session will close without a fee, and our team will be notified when the session ends.
- You can then go to Account / My Vehicles and remove the vehicle from your account.
Please send a ticket to our team once the vehicle has been removed to confirm your account has been updated, and we can ensure no fines or fees are applied for the session being closed early. You can use the link below and state the vehicle registration that has been removed:
Send a support ticket for a session end / vehicle removal
If you have any issues, you can contact us here